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1. Alias

2. Basic operations

3. Case

4. File

5. Find

6. Loop

7. Process

8. Shortcuts

9. Tricks

10. Variables

1. Alias

1.1. Defining alias

For commands that are used a lot, it's better to define an alias:

  alias yourAlias='theRealCommand'

For example, in the following case, the command 'l' will call 'ls -al':

  alias l='ls -al'

Note: The definition of the alias can be placed in .bashrc so that it will be defined for each new shell.

1.2. Deleting alias

To delete an alias, just call

  unalias yourAlias

For example, to delete the cp alias, call

  unalias cp

1.3. Temporarily disabling alias

If you want disable just for this time un alias, call

  \alias parameter1 parameter2 ...

For example, you have defined such an alias

  alias cp='cp -v'

and you want to copy something without showing what it is doing. Call

  \cp file1 file2

1.4. Defining "function" instead of alias

It's not a good idea to define an alias to starting an application, because if the '&' character is not placed after the call, the application will block the shell until the application self will be closed.

For such case it's better to define a function:

  functionName() { yourApplication yourParameters $* }

For example, in the following case, the command 'n myFile' will call 'nedit -rows 50 myFile':

  n() { nedit -rows 50 $* & }

The '$*' indicates the list of arguments that you can give at the command line.

Note: The definition of the function can be placed in .bashrc so that it will be defined for each new shell.

2. Basic operations

2.1. Input command

2.1.1. Input

  echo "A="

  read A

  echo "You entered $A"

2.1.2. Keypress

  read -s -n2 -p "Hit a key " keypress


  echo "pressed '$keypress'"

-s: don't echo input

-n: accept only N characters of input

-p: echo the following prompt before reading input

If you want to show what key as been pressed, just remove the -s option.

2.2. Check arguments

  if [ ! $# = 2 ]


    echo "  usage: `basename $0` first_argument second_argument"

    exit 1;


2.3. Check return code


  if [ $? ]

     echo "ERROR"

     exit 1;


     echo "OK"


2.4. Print to screen and simultaneously log in a file

  grep myword * | tee -a file.log

2.5. Arithmetic calculations

  expr 5 + 4

2.6. Logical operators

  if [ "$a" -eq 24 ] && [ "$b" -eq 47 ]

  if [ "$a" -eq 24 -a "$b" -eq 47 ]

  if [ "$a" = rhino ] && [ "$b" = crocodile ]

See http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/abs-guide.html#ORREF" target="">Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.

2.7. If ... else if  ... else

  if [ $A -gt 0 ]


    echo "$A is bigger than zero"

  elif [ $A -lt 0 ]


    echo "$A is smaller than zero"


    echo "$A is equal to zero"


2.8. Sequence

A sequence of number can be indicates as following:

  seq 0 9


  for i in $(seq 0 9)


    echo $i


3. Case

3.1. Changing case

To change the case from lowercase to uppercase:

  echo "word" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]

To change the case from uppercase to lowercase:

  echo "word" | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]

To rename all files in a directory from lowercase to uppercase:

  for i in *; do (echo $i|tr [:lower:] [:upper:]); done

4. File

4.1. Reading file line by line

  exec < fileName

  while read line


    echo $line


  LINES=( `cat "$FILE"` )

  for LINE in ${LINES[@]}


    echo $line


4.2. Remove commented lines from a file

  sed '/^#/d' fileName

5. Find

5.1. Doing something only for searched elements

  find PATH -name FILENAME -exec COMMAND {} \;



indicates the output of the find command.

Example. Search all text file in home directory and copy them to /tmp:

  find ~ -name "*.txt" -exec cp {} /tmp \;

5.2. Search in more specified directories

  echo "/tmp/ /usr/" > directories

  cat directories | xargs -i find {} -name "*.txt"

6. Loop

6.1. For

  for file in `ls *`


    echo $file


6.2. For with list

  LIST="one two three"

  for ELEMENT in $LIST


    echo $ELEMENT


6.3. While

  while [ 1 ]


    echo "hello";


7. Process

7.1. Own process id

To known the process id of the script it self, use the special variable



  echo "My process id is $$"

7.2. Pidof

Returns all the process having the specified name:

  pidof nedit

  17277 17270 17267

8. Shortcuts

8.1. Case

  ALT + U: uppercase until end of word

  ALT + L: lowercase until end of word

  ALT + C: uppercase current char, lowercase the rest

8.2. Cut, copy, paste

  CTRL + Y: paste

  CTRL + U: cut begin of the line until char on the left

  ALT + BACKSPACE: cut from current char to begin of current word

  CTRL + K: cut from current char to end of line

8.3. Enter

  CTRL + J: enter

  CTRL + M: enter

  CTRL + O: enter

8.4. History

  CTRL + P: same as cursor up (history backwards)

  CTRL + N: same as cursor down (history forwards)

  CTRL + R: reverse search in history (from last command to first)

  ALT + P: search in history (from first command to last)

  !cucu: repeat last command started with the word cucu

8.5. Jumping

  CTRL + A: jump to begin of the line

  CTRL + E: jump to end of line

  CTRL + F: same as cursor right

  CTRL + B: same as cursor left

  ALT + B: jump one word backwards

  ALT + F: jump one word forwards

8.6. Process

  CTRL + Z: send SIGSTOP to current process

  CTRL + C: send SIGTERM to current process

  CTRL + D: exit

8.7. Screen

  CTRL + L: clear screen

  CTRL + S: stop video scrolling

  CTRL + Q: restart video scrolling

8.8. Others

  CTRL + T: swap current char with them on the left

  CTRL + H: backspace

  CTRL + I: tabulator

9. Tricks

9.1. Beeping until key pressing

To announce to the user a long job has been done, the command


will beep until the user press a key.

9.2. Counting files

To get the number of files/directory present in the current directory:

  ls | wc -l

9.3. Extracting IP number from ifconfig

  ifconfig eth0  | grep inet | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \  -f 1

or using awk:

  ifconfig eth0 | awk -F ':' '/inet/ {print $2}' | cut -f 1 -d ' '

9.4. Removing last slash in path



  echo $A

  echo $B

9.5. Renaming file with blanks

  find $DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | \

    xargs -0 -n1 bash -c \

   'newname=${0// /_}; if [[ ! -e $newname ]];then eval mv \"$0\" $newname;fi;'

9.6. Wildcards

To get a list of specified files:



  FILE=`ls lib*.so`

10. Variables

10.1. Asking for returned value

When a script or programm is called, it returns a value giving informations about the result of its call (without error, error 1, error 2, ...).

This value is stored in the variable $? and can be easily checked.


  echo $?

This value will be overwritten by the next call of a script or programm.

10.2. Defining and clearing

Normally, variables doesn't need to be declared. But if a variable is needed outside the script which declares it, it must be exported:

  export MY_VARIABLE=Hello

Here how to verify that the variable has been correctly exported:

  export | grep  MY_VARIABLE

To undo the operation:








Emidio Planamente

Last modified on 2024-08-02